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Foreword of the Editor: Fundamentals of Education. Equal opportunities for all or fair chances to all in education
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Podstawy Edukacji, T. 16, Equal opportunities for all or fair chances to all in education, Spis treści

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Foreword of the Editor: Fundamentals of Education. What essential questions are we trying to answer nowadays?

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Od Redakcji: Podstawy Edukacji. Wielokulturowość. Międzykulturowość. Transkulturowość

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Equal opportunities in shaping pupils’ identity in a multicultural school environment. A pilotage concept of work for transcultural education in grades I–III

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Od redakcji: Epistemologia a praktyka edukacyjna

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Od Redakcji: Podstawy Edukacji. Na jakie ważne dziś pytania szukamy odpowiedzi?

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Equal Opportunities for Everyone in the Context of Teacher Competence in Academic Remote Education in the Times of Coronavirus

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